Hoxity 8 started!
Hello World! I'm proud to reveal the new version of my website.
This version has been under construction for more than two years, with me doing the first designs in May 2009. It was a turbulent time since then, which has again and again slowed down the progress on this version.
Unlike the previous flash-version, this version is optimized for usability and easier updating, so it will hopefully see updates more frequently than previous versions.
Since this website is mostly handcrafted-HTML, (except for some old flash-material) and no pre-produced one-fits-all-wordpress material, there are bound to be errors or missing links, especially at the beginning. Please notify me, if you come across any by using the contact form.
And another thing: I intentionally omitted comments functions or something alike. If you have something of value to say to me, you can also use the contact form. That way you can also be sure I'll read it.